May 23, 2004
San Diego

Last weekend, after In Flames “rocked my [ass]” and we carefully fondled aerogel at the JPL open house, Lori and I went to San Diego, where she was speaking at the HOW Design Conference.

270,000 tons of diplomacy

I forgot that San Diego has a big naval station, so when I opened the curtains in our hotel room it was kind of a shock to see three giant aircraft carriers laid out in front of me. It's a little weird to be confronted with these potent symbols, “90,000 tons of diplomacy”, war machines capable of devastating cities, so suddenly and only a couple miles away.

Lori said “You just made a noise that I've never heard you make before.”

Her talk was excellent, an unexpected curveball among the presentations on dealing with difficult clients and advancing your career.

hell yes they're garbled in his mind

We didn't have a chance to see much of the conference, though Colin Berry's talk on graphic design in a campaign year was inspiring. Later I bought David Rees, Mr. Get Your War On, a drink or two. (Are there any bars other than hotel bars, that use marble and leather as primary design elements? Hm, watch for my new book, Design For Alcoholophiles, coming soon.)

Posted by jjwiseman at May 23, 2004 03:34 PM
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