Zoë Charlton, Mid America Greetings #1
XS Lisp, by Taiichi Yuasa, is a Lisp programming environment for Lego Mindstorms. Unlike LegoLisp or LegoScheme,which run on a PC and send commands to the RCX computer, XS Lisp runs right on the RCX itself.
XS Lisp includes the following features:
Here's some sample code, from Taiichi's ILC 2003 paper:
(define (forward) (motor :a (motor :c :forward)) (play '((:Re4 . 2) (:Do4 . 1) ...))) (begin (speed :a (speed :c :max-speed)) (forward) (with-watcher (((touched? 2) (motor :a (motor :c :back)) (sleep 5) (motor (if (= (random 2) 0) :a :c) :forward) (sleep 5) (forward))) (wait-until (pressed?)) (motor :a (motor :c :off))))
Pete Hopkins blogged some notes from Taiichi's ILC talk back in November of last year.
Posted by jjwiseman at September 15, 2004 08:13 AM