November 21, 2004
LSP 1.1

I've updated my old LSP (Lisp Server Pages) code a little bit. The new version works with Araneida as well as AllegroServe, and lets you specify which package a particular LSP page's code should be in (thanks to Jason Cornez).

You can download LSP 1.1 using ASDF-INSTALL, or as a tarball. See the Cliki page for some examples of how to use LSP.

The old version of LSP has the advantage of being a nice simple single-file implementation, but I thought there was some value in creating a package that could be used by anyone using either of what currently seem to be the top two most popular Lisp web servers after just a single (asdf-install:install :lsp).

Posted by jjwiseman at November 21, 2004 04:13 PM
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