July 21, 2005
Following Humans with the ER1

ER1 just wants to get close to you

Uri Kartoun is working with the Washington Hospital Center to get ER1 robots to follow people: 13 MB WMV video.

It looks like Uri is using the Task Execution Layer of the ERSP, which is the layer of the architecture I'm responsible for. It didn't quite turn out how I'd hoped, but I'm glad people are finding it useful.

In his approach people carry RFID tags that the robot homes in on. At Evolution we used to do something similar by using a laser range finder and watching for the range signature of two human legs.

Posted by jjwiseman at July 21, 2005 12:04 PM

Robot Videos as Streaming (Including Clango in SARS Wars) are here:


In this page there are several robot videos I created that include:

1) Vision-Based Autonomous Self-Docking and Recharging.
2) PDA-based Telerobotic Control and Door Recognition.
3) Human-Robot Following using PARCO UWB Tags.
4) Touch Screen Telecontrol.
5) Telerobotic Hand Gesture Control.
6) Virtual Reality Telerobotic System.
7) Shaking of a Suspicious Bag using a Fixed-arm UP6 Motoman Robot.

... and others ...

For more information and direct downloads:




Posted by: Uri Kartoun on February 28, 2006 05:07 AM
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