August 01, 2005
Baringer's Slime Video

I haven't gotten around to watching Marco Baringer's Slime video (an hour spent watching someone's emacs window is a long time), but I did enjoy his short demonstration of Uncommon Web. I had never seen Uncommon Web-based code before and I felt like the video gave me a good sense of the flavor of writing apps in UCW.

A few notes:

  • It was pretty slick when Marco fixed an error in some code while Firefox was blocked trying to display the page, then was able to compile the fixed code and finish serving the request to the browser.
  • The HTML that UCW generates looks a little weird, with line breaks inside tags.
  • I think I like the gimmick of creating a package named “<”; The macro that generates an HTML paragraph tag is named <:p
  • I was impressed that even a trivial form-based app could be created in about 25 lines of code (though I've already heard Ruby on Rails users complain that UCW is too verbose).

It might have been nice if Marco had been able to explain the workings of UCW “actions” in a little more details, but I guess I'll wait for the hour long director's cut (or a post by Bill Clementson) for that.

Posted by jjwiseman at August 01, 2005 06:33 PM

I watched the Slime video at about 150% normal speed. This had two benefits. Firstly, it wasn't so long. Secondly, it was funny. (There are many good things in the video, but it isn't so information-dense that it's not possible to understand it at 150% speed.)

Posted by: g on August 2, 2005 10:43 AM
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