May 02, 2003
OpenGL For MCL in OS X
Alexander Repenning has a new version of his OpenGL code for MCL which has a lot of new features.
![opengl example [opengl example]](images/mcl-opengl-bild-6-s.jpg)
screenshot, courtesy Rainer Joswig
- Model Loader: load simple .obj model files.
- New Example: Gears, an OpenGL classic
- Multi View Animation: Run serveral animated windows or views in parallel.
- Texture and Image Loaders: load virtually any image file format including alpha channels to make textures and images.
- OS X Full Screen Mode: run OpenGL applications in full screen mode. Ideas for games or other highly emersive visual environments.
- OpenGL Views: use any number of OpenGL views inside windows. Combine OpenGL-Views with other MCL dialog items into sophisticated dialog boxes.
- Real Time Animation: implement frame rate independent real time animations, and simulations.
- Game Engine: A simple game engine allows you to construct scenes containing agents. Agents can be nested. Agent can be animated, can react to events etc.
- Full Scene Antialiasing: ATI Radeon video boards only.
- Live Interface: drag and resize the window; change the camera angle... all without ever halting the animation.
Posted by jjwiseman at May 02, 2003 10:14 AM
You know, it really is about time that I start to think about getting a Mac...