Not only did Lori make me go to the hospital in the first place when it seemed like my flu might have turned into something a little more serious, she read articles from The New Yorker to me while I was there, and when I was at home she brought me food and cake and generally took great care of me. And then took me to the emergency room again late one night when I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics.
lori, cuter than most anything
This has really endeared her to my family. And while I had thought she was pretty much already maximally endeared to me, as it happened I learned a little more endearment could be eked out.
Posted by jjwiseman at March 09, 2004 07:12 PMYou know you've got a keeper when they keep eking-out more endearment.
Mine still does after 24 years.
Posted by: Mike on March 10, 2004 05:39 AM