the chicxulb impact crater. i've been there!
Mike Hannemann pointed me at Lispix, a public domain image analysis program written in Lisp by The National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Lispix is a public domain image analysis program for Windows, written and maintained by David Bright. While including basic image processing functions found in NIH Image, ImageJ, Scion Image, ImageTool, and in some commercial programs, Lispix also has a collection of special purpose research tools for electron microscopy and spectral imaging at NIST. In spite of that, many of the features incorporated into Lispix have been useful for other researchers. Lispix is useful for processing and analyzing images, and stacks of images or data cubes. Image pixels can be bit, integer, real, complex and color.
Some of the reasons Lispix uses Lisp are laid out: “I have used LISP because the language and the development environment make it easier to implement and test special tools.”
Posted by jjwiseman at June 03, 2004 10:36 PM