December 20, 2004
A Mostly Jurassic Pre-Christmas in LA


9:30 pm: At the annual MJT reception. Bumped shoulders with Werner Herzog. He seems to talk exactly like he does on film.

10 pm: Gave Steve Martin a tip on how to best view a miniature reproduction of a Giacomo Torelli automatic scenery changing device for baroque opera. Odd mustache.


11 am: Ate buttery pancakes while sitting outside at Millie's. 80 degrees and sunny. The Beatles' Revolver and an old PJ Harvey album were played.

2 pm: Took an hour-long nap in a warm Spartan Royal Mansion trailer. It's 50 years old and used to be Roger Brown's.

3:30 pm: Tea in the tea room. Gerry Casale was there but left before we arrived. Lori and Mark and Charley knit while I do a little coding.

4:30 pm: Cocktails at the midget orgy hotel.

5:15 pm: More napping in the trailer.


11 am: The Carol C special at Roscoe's.

12:30 pm: Ruscha exhibit at MOCA. Shopping frenzy in the gift shop; fascinating Muji merchandise.

3 pm: GTA.

9:30 pm: More GTA. Too tired to go to Joanne's work Christmas party, which starts at midnight.

Posted by jjwiseman at December 20, 2004 09:58 AM
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