A flock of starlings tries to evade a peregrine falcon.
I hadn't seen Will Gozer's Trendalicious, “a near real-time view of website popularity trends as reflected by the del.icio.us social bookmarking service. All URLs that have been posted by a minimum of two people in the past sixty minutes are displayed, ranked by the total number of recent posts.”
Trendalicious, like Will's Cafespot site, is powered by Allegro Common Lisp.
Will is interviewed by eHub:
The whole project came together very quickly, and exactly as planned. It only took a month and a half to launch the first version, and new changes are very easy to implement and deploy. CafeSpot is probably the best web application I have built so far
And I hadn't see his Cafespot development blog before, either.
It warms my heart to see people using Lisp to create useful applications that participate in our contemporary web ecology.
Posted by jjwiseman at October 20, 2005 12:55 PMAlso check out podbazaar.com -- a site for podcast hosting and syndication, built entirely with SBCL, Portableaserve, CL-SQL and Postgres.
We were certainly insprired by CafeSpot's example, and we've also shamelessly derived from their elegant site layout. I wanted to post a "thank you" note on the CafeSpot development blog, but they've disabled comments for now. Thanks Will.
Disclaimer: I'm one of the principals of podbazaar.com.
Posted by: Ram Krishnan on October 20, 2005 05:32 PMThanks for the mention John! I continue to be impressed by the ease and fun of developing web apps in Lisp. And wow, the first comment is another new Lisp app that I haven't seen before!
Posted by: Will on October 20, 2005 10:58 PMStartlingly beautiful photograph, too - thanks for pointing it out.
Posted by: martin on October 22, 2005 05:53 AM