Another piece of DARPA Grand Challenge history is for sale. MonsterMoto's Jackbot, which was able to venture 7 miles into the desert in the 2005 Grand Challenge, is looking for a new home:
Posted by jjwiseman at August 29, 2007 12:52 PMEverything in the foreground of attached photo is for sale, lease or hire--Or maybe trade for an opportunity to earn an advanced degree.
1) Unit on the right: "JackBot" DGC 2005 Finalist. Lots of goodies, but would prefer not to part out.
2) Unit on the left: Me. Unfortunately, cannot be parted out. Must be fed daily. Will Travel.
3) Not visible: Lab, test site, spares, prototypes, computers, etc, etc.
Excluded by rule from the 2007 Urban Challenge. So, since the DGC2005, we've been focussing on multi-human, multi-UXV teaming and coordination, system enhancements, software cleanup, etc. Website is out of date but here :
Seeking an opportunity to continue our work (about 16,000 hrs so far!) within a quality, funded setting. In addition to business opportunities, an academic or research setting would be welcome.
Thank you in advance for any ideas or pointers,