;; 2002-01-30 John Wiseman (jjwiseman@yahoo.com) ;; ;; An attempt to rewrite connect-to-inet-socket in such a way that ;; connection attempts that take a long time will not be stuck in the ;; connect(2) system call preventing CMUCL from running other lisp ;; threads. ;; ;; ;; The strategy here is to put the socket in non-blocking mode, and ;; then call connect, which should immediately return. Then there are ;; three cases to handle: ;; ;; I. The connect failed immediately. ;; II. The connect succeeded immediately. ;; III. The connect returned without finishing. ;; ;; Cases I and II are simple enough, we just return the socket or ;; signal an error. ;; ;; In case III, we call system:wait-until-fd-is-usable to block just ;; the current thread until the socket is writeable (which signals ;; that the connect has finished, one way or the other). ;; ;; Once wait-until-fd-is-usable returns, we put the socket back into ;; blocking mode and try to determine whether the connect succeeded or ;; failed (and why it failed). I used an approach described at ;; , which is attributed to Douglas ;; C. Schmidt and Ken Keys. ;; ;; I first call getpeername, and if it returns 0 the connect ;; succeeded, otherwise it failed. If it failed, I try to read a ;; single character from the socket. I know it can't work, but it ;; should cause errno set to the real reason for the failure. ;; ;; If this works, and is robust, I don't see any reason for it not to ;; replace the connect-to-inet-socket from CMUCL. (defun connect-to-inet-socket (host port &optional (kind :stream)) "The host may be an address string or an IP address in host order." (let ((addr (if (stringp host) (host-entry-addr (or (lookup-host-entry host) (error "Unknown host: ~S." host))) host)) (socket (create-inet-socket kind))) (labels ((set-blocking (socket) (unix:unix-fcntl socket unix:f-setfl (logior (unix:unix-fcntl socket unix:f-getfl 0) unix:fndelay))) (unset-blocking (socket) (unix:unix-fcntl socket unix:f-setfl (logandc2 (unix:unix-fcntl socket unix:f-getfl 0) unix:fndelay))) (dotted-quad (ipaddr) (let ((naddr (htonl addr))) (format nil "~D.~D.~D.~D" (ldb (byte 8 0) naddr) (ldb (byte 8 8) naddr) (ldb (byte 8 16) naddr) (ldb (byte 8 24) naddr)))) (connect-error (addr) (error "Error connecting socket to [~A:~A]: ~A" addr port (unix:get-unix-error-msg)))) (set-blocking socket) (with-alien ((sockaddr inet-sockaddr) (length (alien:array unsigned 1))) (setf (slot sockaddr 'family) af-inet) (setf (slot sockaddr 'port) (htons port)) (setf (slot sockaddr 'addr) (htonl addr)) (let ((retval (unix:unix-connect socket (alien-sap sockaddr) (alien-size inet-sockaddr :bytes)))) (cond ((< retval -1) ;; connect failed. (unix:unix-close socket) (connect-error (if (stringp host) host (dotted-quad addr)))) ((= retval -1) ;; connect is in progress. (system:wait-until-fd-usable socket :output) (unset-blocking socket) ;; OK, it's done, check whether it worked. (when (minusp (unix:unix-getpeername socket (alien-sap sockaddr) (alien-sap length))) (unix:unix-close socket) ;; It didn't, so let's find out why. (unix:unix-read socket (alien-sap length) 1) (connect-error (if (stringp host) host (dotted-quad addr)))) socket) (T ;; connect succeeded. (unset-blocking socket) socket)))))))