(defparameter *html-entities*
'((#\< . "lt")
(#\> . "gt")
(#\& . "amp")
(#\" . "quot")))
(defun html-entity-char-p (char)
(assoc char *html-entities* :test #'eql))
(defun html-entity-position (string &key (start 0))
(position-if #'html-entity-char-p string :start start))
(defun html-entity-substitute (char)
(cdr (assoc char *html-entities* :test #'eql)))
(defun html-escape (string)
(html-escape-aux string 0 nil))
;; Don't cons up a whole new string if we end up not doing any
;; substitution.
(defun html-escape-aux (string start buffer)
(let ((pos (html-entity-position string :start start)))
(if (null pos)
(if (null buffer)
(concatenate 'string
(subseq string start)))
(html-escape-aux string
(+ pos 1)
(concatenate 'string
(or buffer "")
(subseq string start pos)
(html-entity-substitute (char string pos))
(defclass escape-html-stream (buffered-output-stream)
((output-stream :initarg :output-stream
:accessor escape-html-stream-output-stream)))
(defmethod buffered-output-stream-write-buffer ((stream escape-html-stream)
&optional force-p)
(let ((b (buffered-output-stream-buffer stream))
(out (escape-html-stream-output-stream stream)))
(if force-p
;; Not sure of semantics of force-p. Just transform the whole
;; buffer and write it out? May be more consy.
(write-sequence (html-escape b) out)
(length b))
(let ((pos (html-entity-position b)))
(if (null pos)
;; No entities to substitute.
(length (write-sequence b out))
;; Found one.
(let ((entity (html-entity-substitute (elt b pos))))
(write-sequence b out :end pos)
(write-char #\& out)
(write-string entity out)
(write-char #\; out)
(+ pos 1)))))))