January 23, 2005

That was kind of a busy week, starting on Tuesday when Lori and I said goodbye to Mike and Ally, who left to start a new phase of life in London. I'm really happy to hear that things are going smoothly since they arrived there. I'm still going to miss them a lot.

Then we went up to the bay area Thursday night to see the Arts and Lectures interview with Ricky Jay at the Herbst theater, followed Friday night by the opening of his exhibit at Yerba Buena. The opening was fun, but it was a zoo, packed with SF hipsters (and yet I couldn't find a single photo from the opening on flickr) and Yerba Buena staff dancing to too-loud “funk”. Besides Ricky's broadsides, which were beautifully presented, I liked: 1. Christopher Taggart's thirty foot-long photographically-tessellated dead squirrel sculpture suspended overhead, 2. “make that a double.”, 3. Judith Scott's creepy yarn objects, 4. eyeing the northern breed of art scenester.

Of course the weekend was filled to the brim with meal after delicious, rich meal (Patrick wouldn't let us leave without going out for sushi, and Bacheeso is a staple), visiting friends (including meeting Heidi's super lovable cat, Richter, who at 25 pounds deserves a broadside all his own), playing video games (Dan and Carol, meet my good friend Katamari Damarcy--I think the three of you are going to get along fabulously), obligatory trips to Silicon Valley campuses (I was excited to meet the guy who's in charge of OS X security updates) and hanging out with geeks.

The ride home, ending at 2:30 am, had three great things going for it: 1. 104 THE HAWK, which actually promised more Van Halen than any other classic rock station in the central valley and played the cry of an angry hawk every two or three songs--SCREEEEE! In our punchy state, Lori and I began to communicate in hawktalk. 2. Almost no traffic on the 5 south, where a mudslide in the grapevine closed all but two lanes and caused three hour delays the previous weekend. 3. Heavy fog. My mistake, the ride only had two great things going for it.

Posted by jjwiseman at January 23, 2005 09:46 PM
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