August 12, 2005
New Age of the ALU

marijuana branding

Duane Rettig offers up more information about the ALU in a single paragraph than I think I've seen in years:

The ILC2003 conference was our first attempt to run a conference ourselves.  In many respects, it appeared to be a success.  In other ways, it was a failure that almost turned to disaster, as those of you who tried to register at the hotel that Saturday may have discovered.  Some fast thinking people, including Heow Eide-Goodman (now a board member, and I believe principal organizer of the Lispnyk group) and Lilliana Avila from Franz, as well as some of the board members, pulled the conference out of the flames.  We lost money, we lost records, and only last month finally pulled enough of the proceedings together to be able to make a cd out of it.


The ILC2005 conference went much, much smoother, and we even had proceedings in dead-tree form available _at_ the conference.


I've never said anything about the ALU to date, because frankly I was always worried for its existence.

With this radical transparency, the success of ILC 2005, Peter Seibel's presence on the board of directors (and his public solication of others' opinions on the Association), this might be a brand new ALU.

Posted by jjwiseman at August 12, 2005 08:58 AM
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