Info-mcl, the mailing list for Digitool's commercial Lisp MCL, is now being hosted by Clozure, which is the sort of spin-off company that is responsible for OpenMCL. It's a small thing, but its gotten the MCL fans a little excited:
From: Peter Paine Subject: Re: info-mcl update Date: 2007-06-29 07:15:33 GMT At 1:58 PM -0400 6/28/07, Alice Hartley wrote: >The info-mcl mailing list is now being hosted by Clozure. Hurrah! The info-mcl list actually seems to be working again - after all those dysfunctional years. It will be interesting to see who remains a MCL user, what with the list being mangled for so long, the brick wall of Intel compatibility (i.e. MCL is unusable on any current Apple product), Digitool last showing signs of life via it's site in May 2005, and now the unilateralist Apple raising it's axe over Carbon's neck. Of course the big question is how Clozure is talking to Digitool (and vici versa). OpenMCL seems to have it all, Cocoa, 64bits, Open, ... but it doesn't have what MCL has had - a development environment in which a lisp engineer can work to develop an application. Starting with Fred, graphics, ... Here's hoping that Lisp on the Mac platform can come back from the dead. After all the work put into Lisp over the years, my hope is that we are about to see a renaissance. But as I'm primarily a GUI developer, I live perhaps in a world of self delusion - I call optimism. Without communication there was no chance of community, without community MCL's future was dire. I think just mention of MCL/Clozure is a good omen.
At 9:33 AM, Feb 20 1971, instead of broadcasting the usual weekly test signal for the Emergency Broadcast System, W. S. Eberhardt at the National Emergency Warning Center in Cheyenne Mountain accidentally broadcast the tape of a real alert. “I can't imagine how the hell I did it.” It took 45 minutes and several tries before they finally broadcast a cancellation containing the correct codeword. More EBS codewords. [via mefi.]
DARPA never answers my email.
Since I haven't heard back about my request to add an RSS feed to their Grand Challenge discussion forum, I rewrote my bulletin board scraper from a couple years ago to handle the new format and am now publishing a feed that gets updated every half hour.
On Friday I went outside at about the right time for the double sonic booms of the Space Shutle landing at Edwards Air Force Base, but I wasn't able to hear anything over the traffic on Sunset Blvd. Militant Angeleno was more successful, and even has a recording.
Bunk and McNulty investigate a crime scene:
PRIMARY: | 100.000000 % |
EMOTIONS: | 0.000000 % |
SECONDARY: | 0.000000 % |
53 words total
This is what happens when I turn my back for just a minute if there's an open container of catnip within Mr. Shrimp's reach:
Rachel's reinterpretation of the feline stupor in human terms:
“One of about 50 big 50s cars tied into a riverbank in Central California for erosion control.” From Lost America.
In the past four years the U.S. Military's UAV inventory has increased by almost 15x, from about 200 vehicles to about 3200 [via DIY Drones].
I think this is the first public photo of the first UAV designed from the ground up for combat:
Fashion photo, 1947. From shorpy.
Homoiconicity, “a property of some programming languages, in which the primary representation of programs is also a data structure in a primitive type of the language itself...”