March 13, 2006
Takin' 'er Easy for All Us Sinners

OK, where were we?

Right, Lebowskifest.

lori and the dude
“Who's this guy?”

We learned that the first day of Lebowskifest is the lamer day, with bad music and only a few people in costume. But we did get to talk with, attempt to recognize or share a nod with a few of the cast or the people who inspired the characters. The Dude is The Dude, and The Dude takes it as it comes.

The Dude: So... tell me what you're really searching for in life.
Lori: I dunno, what are you searching for in life, Dude?
The Dude: (slinkster voice) Apassionata.

I'm sure my camera flash interrupting his hitting on Lori was just one more thing for a mind kept limber through adherence to a strict, uh, limbering regimen to take in stride. And as we walked out of the Knitting Factory a while later, he caught my eye from across the room and gave me a nod, and I nodded back.

Posted by jjwiseman at March 13, 2006 10:18 AM

Is that the "real" Dude?

Posted by: Faried Nawaz on March 13, 2006 12:19 PM

And, of course, I clicked on the picture and found the answer to my question.

Posted by: Faried Nawaz on March 13, 2006 12:23 PM
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